Saturday, April 25, 2009

Weathering a week of wikis!

I've enjoyed my trip this week visiting a variety of wikis. This expedition provided the opportunity to compare and even share in the wacky world of wikis.

  • I stopped off at all of the wikis on the map supplied by Licence 2 Test Drive (and then some). The SJCPL Subject Guides would be, I suppose, the "classic" library use of a wiki. This arrangement of resources for the public is simple and presented in a friendly conversational way.

  • The Book Lovers Wiki is an example of another way libraries could use wikis to reach the public and encourage their participation in the wiki. This type of promotion of a specific program/project (e.g. Summer Reading Club) has endless possibilities. I enjoyed the inclusion of reviews from the Club as well as staff.

  • Wikis can be used for the library profession as well. The LISWiki with its coverage of library-related issues is a very interesting pit stop. The "articles of interest" was informative and I lingered over the ones on "cell phones in libraries" (their overuse is a pet peeve of mine). The Possible Next Generation Catalogs wiki with its specific topic was another helpful use of wikis.

  • I also ventured to the Slq library2.0 wiki. A fine example of the use of wikis to: 1) keep library staff informed by providing access to a range of resources and 2) to encourage staff to participate and contribute. I even managed to post a comment (after spending an age just deciding on my screen name - all the good ones are taken!)

    All in all, this week I learnt a lot on my journey along "Wiki Way". They have the potential to be great collaborative venues for information and opinion sharing. However, they do require some management. In the past I have encountered numerous out of control "wikis gone wild".

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Crowded car

Love this photo found on Flickr from the State Library of Queensland because of the crowd and the car.

Images flickering by!

I have travelled to Flickrtown often, both as the driver and passenger. I love the idea of an online community sharing its works. While I am sadly lacking in the photographic abilities, I love spending time on the site appreciating the skills on show. As a librarian I love the fact that it provides so many organising tools for all those photos that can accumulate.

My favourite categories on Flickr include nature and travel destinations. It's also wonderful to look at shots of my local area. Other people's perspectives of places you see everyday can often put a different light on them.

I love looking at black and white photographs, particularly of Queensland. I stopover at Picture Queensland often and have completed many stays at Picture Sunshine Coast. On Flickr, I found a lot of interesting old photographs. I love that they give you a glimpse of life in those times - from fashion and hair styles to living conditions.

Oh, the sights (sites) you see!

Photo found on State Library of Queensland's photostream

I've spent a couple of weeks out on the road looking at the range of blogs and bloggers that are out there.

In the past, my main trips on the blog highway have been those that are related to my pet interests. News, libraries/literature, films, music and sport had been the majority of my destinations while road tripping on the Internet. OK, I'll confess that I have also regularly visited the gossip blogs on the road too. Yes, I know they're a bit like partaking in greasy food at a petrol station on a real road trip - not a nutritious meal but still fun while you're indulging.

Using Google blog search
as my "street directory" I thought I would take a chance to change the view out the window. I was amazed at the sheer volume of topics. Everything from "how to...", favourite hobbies, celebrity worship and job-hate blogs abounded. Keeping with the road trip theme I uncovered some great blogs on actual road trips and a fun one on confusing traffic signs

It's quite clear that blogs are used for a number of reasons. Corporate blogs are another way of getting the message across, including for libraries. Blogs are also a venue for amateur journalists to demonstrate their skills. They're a great tool for people wanting to provide commentary on issues and their own lives.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Time to hit the road!

Here goes! Enough looking at the maps and directions. It's time to start the engine and get on the road to learning more about 2.0. I have a general knowledge but am keen to expand my horizons and what better way than to take on this program for a test drive to see what else is out there?

Where the road will eventually lead I can't be sure but I will know far more than I do now. As with any road trip, I am sure there will be trials and tribulations. There may even be eye-popping and jaw-dropping sights along the way. Often it's the unexpected detours and pit stops that are the most memorable. At the end there will be tales to tell and information to share - the important thing will be to keep on driving the learning. The wheel is in my hands.